Monday 26 March 2012

FB thingy things!!!

i always remember..i received this......entri amanda pagi ni nak menyentuh sikit psl FB la...smalam chat dgn slah sorang kawan di chatbox..alkisahnyer camni, dye ni slu la chat dgn manda.chat2 kosong, men2 gurau2...but last evening, dye texted me, i miss his own way.wah2.own way yer, then i asked , so all this while kita gurau2 then log off .bila xsembang tu maksudnya missing each other rite. No..this is totally different he said... owh, diff like what...??? m missing u..tetiba jer.aha..but m afraid that yr bf maree...tu dier..dia dh nk heboh dah.eehh. bukan ke bf u and so...terang2 lagi dier jot down camtu.alamak.!!! i tekezut...past is past...i said to him, satgi elok la yr feeling tu.aha yerla ,let it be kata dier...hindarilah....!!!my mind distraction..owh owh..oh nooo!!!!

Sunday 25 March 2012


Andai kau tahu
Apa yang ku mahu
Mahukan dirimu ‘tuk mendekatiku
Dan aku tak bisa memaksa dirimu
Walau dalam tidur
Ku kan menantimu hingga akhir nanti
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti
Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri

wat a clas

i lost my focus in my tutorial class're in my thought  all the time yang...

Saturday 24 March 2012

My Prince Charming

i once had dream that u were here with me standing by my side saying those three words that meant everything to me, i know that dream wil come tru...and until that day i am waiting here for you...!!!huhu..

My Paradise.

Welcome to Amanda private world.For those of you who don't know me, my name is Amanda Dynna Moore..I am a simple person who's  always loved her life to the fullest..If i can't hear your heartbeat you're too far away....